Monday, July 02, 2007

Poor Einstein

My coworker is sending me press releases that are suspiciously indicative of an invasion being planned for Iran. Things being said that are suspiciously similar to things that were said about Iraq.

This has led me to make the following statement: The atomic bomb is one of the most personally rewarding inventions we have ever made. It has done nothing but bring us good fortune.

Now, I know that sounds bad, but think about it. It's been our friend since it's horrible inception. When we used it it not only let us achieve our goal of not being at war, it solidified our sense of moral maturity in the world community, laid the groundwork for one of our most valuable trade resources (Japan), and gave us credability that nobody but a violent dictator could hope to gain.

Since then, it's given us an enemy (the Soviet Union) to hate and thusly establish our own sense of cultural unity that is really only now beginnign to really show signs of wear, provided us with a reason to build and build our military without any real reason, and given us a great excuse to invade other countries without provocation. All the while seeming completely sane to those not paying attention.

That's it.....

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