Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Mahea and I went out last night to take pictures of the fire. There were so many people there on the bridge you'd swear it was a fireworks display.

This is the first fire I've been emotionally affected by (though I figure I ought to be more upset). I think I usually assume that the people who's houses are endangered by fires knew the risks when they bought such expensive views. In addition, unless the fire is particularly nasty, they likely have the opportunity to evacuate and save a number of their posessions. In this case, however, it seems like the zoo and observatory and horse ranch (yes there's a horse ranch, didn't you know?) are really stuck with being unable to protect themselves in any significant manner.

I'm sure that shows my ignorance of both fire victims' abilities to adequately cope with fire loss and the zoo/observatory/ranch's understanding of the risks associated with their locations.

Even so, if the authorities do end up deciding that they in fact did catch whoever started this particular fire, I hope know what, I think I'll just keep my wishes on that topic to myself.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Freaking incredible. Welcome to the reality that is citizen journalism! Seriously, these are RAD.